Aria Dean
CONSCIOUSNESS IS A SIMULATION: JAD worked with Aria Dean's digitally rendered geometric collisions and fabricated variable physical editions of "Little Island/Gut Punch," for Aria Dean and Greene Naftali Gallery.
Greene Naftali
Whitney Biennial 2022 : Quiet as It’s Kept
milled 30# urethane, steel armature, primed and painted
85 x 32 x 32 in.

Aria Dean: Little Island / Gut Punch
The creation of Little Island/Gut Punch started by subjecting a virtual representation of a monolith to a simulated collision, capturing the resulting impact as a tangible sculptural manifestation. Employing a chromakey green fabrication, reminiscent of the color utilized in greenscreens for film production, the artwork evokes the spirit of 1960s minimalist sculptures that rejected illusionism in favor of emphasizing materiality. Positioned upon a pedestal resembling an ionic column, Dean's monolith playfully challenges the established narrative by prompting a fundamental reevaluation:
“If reality might be illusions all the way down to the very core of it, then what would an object be that sits correctly within that conception of things?”
Check out News for more on this piece.